*not quite finished*

*tried this in color over 5 times, can't figure out what to do- frustrated! will remain black and white for now*

I enlarged and printed a bunch of images today in the darkroom- i am happy with a few of them. One of them i REALLY love- unfortunately for some reason scanning the images that i develop just doesn't work so i can't show it! It was a picture taken in Durham and it was sort of an action shot of hockey players just goofing around on the ice, however- what i loved about it, were a couple of things- one, they were skating on the dam by the bridge in durham- the waterfall was running but the top was frozen over which gave the image such a cool effect. Another thing that I loved was that since I had the shutter speed so high I captured one main guy hitting the puck with his hockey stick in the air while two guys in the background are high-fiving. it was just the exact right timing- i love it. Another photo that came out good was one I took in Steph's apartment in brooklyn- it was of a window in an old apt. building room- very neat shadows and light in the picture.
Anyway- this weekend me and some of my highschool girlfriends were supposed to get together in boston but unfortunately it fell through which I am really bummed about because I really wanted to hang out with them! Everyone has become so busy upon graduating, getting jobs, being in school, traveling, etc. it can be hard to get everyone together but I love the rare chances we get to all be together. Perhaps in april when all of our schedules deflate a little bit. I have so lucky to have such amazing friends that all keep in contact!never take that for granted.
nine more days until JACKSON HOLE and could not be more excited! unfortch so much schoolwork building up to that point!@#@$#$
*grey shirt-Volcom (SUPER COMFY!) purple sweater- urban outfitters-mens section. elephant necklace- I honestly cannot remember. black pants & sunglasses-forevs!*
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