I went snowboarding today and it was so beautiful out. I regretted wearing the purple longsleeve shirt underneath the pinkster because it was SO hot- also regretted wearing the hot chillis under the ski pants. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot I saw my uncle fly over the mountain in his helicopter then land right in the parking lot that I was in. Neither of us had any idea that the other would be there so it was very cooL! We skied a couple of runs together and he also got a little bit of film footage of me snowboarding as he does ski patrol for the mountain occasionally. I was really glad that I got to meet up with him! I love moments in life like that. DUring the day I met some really great people, as I generally try to do since I have been snowboarding soloton lately. I met a couple of cool girls, one of which knew somebody that i knew from nantucket which is just so weird- can't help but constantly find myself thinking, what a small world. I skiied with a women today for a while who was really cool- she owns an interior design business and she was just very down to earth and a good skiing buddy. she went to CU boulder, so we reflected back on the amazingness of west coast mountains and at the end of the day got yelled at my a mountain employee for going down a trail that was closed off for a race all day but the race was over so it seemed legit and thought it had reopened, i guess not....oops.
When I got home I got some bad news from brother. It's quite a long story that I don't want to spill all over my blog and won't get into but my sister had to be rushed to the hospital today and THANK GAWD she is ok now but it TRULY puts so many things into perspective. So many stupid, LITTLE things that I concern myself with on a daily basis and things that I stress about like schoolwork and the future, blahh blahh- they all have no relevance with the big picture of life where the ONLY thing that is extremely important is that I have my family, all of them and that they all be healthy and happy and that i do everything in my power to make sure that that happens and continues to happen. Life is nothing to take for granted and we are silly to think that we are invincible to tragedy because we're not. I cherish and love my family more than humanly possible and the mere thought of anything ever happening to any of them is unfathomable- i am so lucky that I have managed to sail through life thus far without terrible tragedy but it wont always be that way.
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