*Festive apparel- life is too short to wear bland gear, as I say*
*janie and ME*
*jasons parents and ja
Start Global Cooling

This picture was taken on a blizzardy, pellet snow day at Grand Targhee mountain. HOWEVER, today at jackson hole mountain, the weather was amazing and the skiing was great. we drank a fair share of PBRs and enjoyed ourselves. A bunch of paragliders took off from where we were hanging out and it was just a great day. Tonight we are headed to the gani (SP?) for some cocktails and sweet sunset photots. I took a ton of photos with my nikon SLR yesterday on the mountain and am so excited to see how they came out. Took a bunch of digital photot's today but dont have my camera cord so....to be announced. my face is developing a somewhat serious goggle tan, burning every which way.
Tomorrow, Janie and I are switching skis/snowboards. I am going to ski and she is going to snowboard. granted I skiied for a while growing up so it might be more of a strug for her. i'm sure being back on skiis will be a strug for me as well. but I want her to learn how to snowboard so I'm going to attempt to teach her how :)
waaaaah :( can I squeeze into that picture!