I have been drawing since I got home from the sewing lab today at around 5 pm. OH I draped a dress (just in muslin fabric) and...part of this weird shirt that I am trying to create...we'll see where that goes.... But anyway- the quality of these pencil drawings is pretty poor because I scanned them onto my computer and had to darken them. After I drew these in pencil I copied them then traced them onto marker paper in order to try out some techniques with color. I did not want to mess up the original pencil drawings so that's why I copied, re-traced, etc. and why it has taken THIS long.Andd they are really large figures so the whole body didn't fit so the shoes are missing :(
[again--- I think i'm supposed to write something to protect the rights to my drawings- so uh, ye, don't steal :) ]
Wow, i love these- they're great.
ReplyDeleteI study fashion but haven't really given fashion illustration a go- these are great inspiration, thanks!!
thank you so much! I really appreciate the nice feedback :) illustration has been a long road for me- looking back on the first drawings i did i have to laugh they were just so terrible- practicing often has helped me develop some more skills.