Today I wore this men's short sleeve plaid shirt over a black longsleeve shirt(since its still so freezing out). Due to it being very oversized, I crossed one side over the other and wrapped a belt around my waist. I just LOVE the colors in this shirt, that's basically why I bought it. When I LOVE something I see in a thrift store but its too big, I generally still buy it because I can either alter it or i'll belt em up like I did with this one. I wore my little shoes with no soles from urban outfitters today- bad choice. My feet were freezing all day. :( definitely spring/summer shoes.
I am going to go into the sewing lab tomorrow and drape a summer dress that I drew up last night- I am really excited about it! I have a few fabric choices in mind so I'll have to see where it takes me.I'm going to make some more earrings tonight as well!
I love this shirt!