Sooooo i'm obsessed with jackson hole. holyyyyyy shitake. such an amazing mountain. wow. it was a beautiful day out. I skiied with janie's roommate bobby and it was a great time- he took me down some great trails. definitely took some getting used to and also tried to overcome my hangover buttttt it was still great. We took the tram to the top but a woman advised us that it was pretty bad terrain, icy and windy, so we grabbed a PBR and took the tram back down. however, it was amazing. At the end of the day we grabbed some beers and listened to this live band play some awesome music. I met some wicked cool people, i should say guys because there are barely any females around but yeah just some super cool people with some great life stories. Jackson is a place i would feel comfortable moving to by myself because it is SO easy to meet people! we took the shuttle back home and again i met some really cool people! this place is amazing
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