*I don't like her sunglasses at all, i really messed them up. I'll fix them on the pencil drawing*

*I was trying to make the brown covering appear to be leather, unfortunately i failed*

I spent some more time last night drawing and ended up with these four drawings- like before I drew them in pencil, copied them over in black pen and tried out some color/pattern techniques. They turned out differently then I was envisioning, but what can you do. I use proart graphite pencils- i have prisma color pencils for drawing but they arn't as good. For color i use a mix of prisma color premier colored pencils, staedtler pigment pens and kimberly water color pencils. When I use markers I prefer to use chartpak (chartpak blender is the love of my life) although i have a lot of prisma color markers as well- i find that the chartpack have a much smoother finish to them and don't run out and fade as quickly. The great thing about using colored pencil with a blender is that you can get great detail and different colors with the colored pencil but smooth it over using the blender to give it a marker looking finish.,
Anyway- its so nice out today but i have a lot of studying to do- two tests on tuesday and a lot of work in between plus my room is messy and i can't start studying until its clean. This means that, unfortunately, i can't go enjoy the nice day to its max. potential. Sundays.... ugh. I might do one of those BIG cleans- like where you take everything out of your drawers, closet, etc. go through it, pick out the things I don't wear to get rid of (yah right, like that'll happen) refold and put away- its a big task but I think its going to happen.
My parents are back from Florida and they had a really great time- i can't wait to see them, i REALLY have missed them!! My sister is doing a lot better today. She experienced anaphlactic shock which is a life-threatening allergic reaction and was sent to the hospital. thank god she is doing alright today. I had an emotional night last night where my mind drifted into all of the what-ifs, even though I told myself not to do that. My sister is the most amazing person and I just love her so much.
off to clean, do homework and check in with my distractions, facebook, texts, emails, etc. from time to time.