*so serious*

I had class at 8 am this morning so when I was awake and getting ready it was very cold out- however, as the day went on it was absolutely GORGEOUS out!! I am a bit upset that i wasted a day of nice weather on an outfit that is meant for cold weather. I like the features of the white shirt that I am wearing as it has a front connecting pocket and also a hood-I found it yesterday during the big clean! I paired it with this purple long sleeve shirt for some color, as its quite apparent i LOVE bright colors. I wore black pants paired with these teal boots with a very short heel, almost wouldn't even call it a heel (manageable for walking around campus)
I have 2 tests tomorrow and considering I spent all of yesterday procrastinating and re-organizing my room, i need to go study my face off! However, I am very excited because all of my drawers and closets are VERY neat and organized- my closet is even categorized including sections such as 'button-downs' 'sweaters' 'blazers'and a whole closet dedicated to dresses- let's see how long I keep it that way. I threw out some clothing yesterday which I was proud of because I usually hang onto EVERYTHING- i didn't bother giving it to goodwill because nobody would want what i threw away- clothing that was trashed from wear and tear- god only knows why i've kept it this long. Actually I found this white shirt that I am wearing in the bottom of one of my drawers- how perfct.
what up table top...careful up there! Miss youuuuu.....cute outfit!