My friend Ashley posted this video on my facebook wall and I can't stop watching it. I love it. It's a song about New Hampshire to the tune of Empire State of Mind- hilarious. WATCH it HERE!!!
Let me know what you think
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

*$2.00, can't beat it*
Today was a pretty ridiculous day, i must say. I woke up, got ready for class and by getting ready I do mean throwing this comfortable $2.00 shirt from a thrift store in wyoming on, some pants, a raincoat and rain boots. It was POURING all day yesterday, through the night and when I woke up this morning (it continued on and is still raining) anyway, i was on my way to class only to discover the way that i usually take to school was blocked off because a river similar to the Colorado river was flowing through the road. I turned around and headed out to check out another route. I finally made it to school after turning my car into a boat. I walked to class in the down pouring rain, got extremely drenched and within seconds of sitting down, school had been cancelled. back out i went and by the time i got back into my car i legit felt like i just jumped into a swimming pool, i was soaked. it took over 1 1/2 hours to get home (usually takes 15 minutes) as leaving school today was a mass exodus of vehicles. sweet. Water was flowing through the roads everywhere and i saw a lot of fire trucks and police men at homes where rivers were flowing through their houses. scary stuff man. this weather is crazy. My ceiling leaked all night last night over my bed but thats nothing compared to water flowing through my doorway as some people have.
ANYWAY, was happy that classes were cancelled, otherwise the water would have just kept building up and it would have been even more difficult getting home. It stopped raining for a while there and i quickly headed to providence to get some photo supplies as well as did a little bit of shopping, ekk, then headed home and it started down pouring again. crazy day folks.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Vacation over :(
*Bails and me at the levy*
*I want one*
*On our way to the mountain*
*Morning after my first night in jackson- pretty self explanitory*
*This place reminds jane of me everytime she drives by- PuzzleFace Ranch*
So unfortunate but I have returned to the east coast and am no longer in winter heaven. Jackson Hole is such an amazing place and I am so lucky that I got a chance to go there. With the help of jane's ski pass and a couple of purchased tickets I snowboarded almost every single day which was fabulous. The weather was amazing, the skiing was great, it was an overall excellent experience. My last day in jackson was spent at an AWESOME concert with Grace Potter, outside at the bottom of jackson hole mountain- i'm unsure if it gets much better than that. Grace potter rocked it, per usual and the day was just amazing. I felt it the next day as i discovered that flying hungover could potentially be the worst idea in the world. I got re routed, got put into the middle seat, had a child kicking my seat behind me, a kid crying in front of me all while feeling as if i could throw up at any moment. Finally getting into manchester i quickly found out they had lost my luggage, second time of the trip. So Jamie and I waited around for even longer to wait for it to, fingers crossed, come in on the next plane. LUCKILY it did. Traveling yesterday was a huge strug but it was all worth it because the trip was an amazing one. Thanks to janie for letting me stay with her and for all that she did letting me use her pass and showing me around the great state of wyoming/idaho and for driving me across the sketchy pass in a blizzard. oh and I can't forget, thnks for driving me to the airport at 6 in the morning after day/night of debauchery- i appreciate you. Janies house was awesome, located at the foot of Snow King Mountain and she has two very awesome roommates. I envy her current situation as I sit here about to get started on some homework. Why can't spring break last forever?
Friday, March 26, 2010

*the new nose ring*
*b-side players concert at the knotty pine*
*the beautiful jackson hole mountain*
*Me on my way down*
*my back- view halfway up the mountain*
So today Jane and I decided to get our nose pierced. I have had mine done before but I took it out a couple of years ago and have not thought about getting one again, but im unsure why I even took it out in the first place. Jane was itching to get one so we drove through a blizzard up and down a mountain, got it done and headed on back. I had to close my eyes during parts of the drive through the pass because it was definitely pretty scary, but hey, it was worth it. So anyway- we're going to start getting ready and head out for the night.
The music festival at the village is tomorrow and grace potter will be performing so i am SUPERRRR siked about that. I never want to leave :( this place is amazing. potential future living spot? perhaps.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Jackson VaKa
Dinner and drinks at the amangani
jane's attempt
thinking about switching back to skiing
HIRO. Today we skiied at the village and i traded in my snowboard for a pair of skiis slash jane and i switched equipment. I really enjoyed it, am considering switching back to skiing. Jane wasn't fond of snowboarding. take note of janes sweet shirt, im pretty envious.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
*Festive apparel- life is too short to wear bland gear, as I say*
*janie and ME*
*jasons parents and ja
Start Global Cooling

This picture was taken on a blizzardy, pellet snow day at Grand Targhee mountain. HOWEVER, today at jackson hole mountain, the weather was amazing and the skiing was great. we drank a fair share of PBRs and enjoyed ourselves. A bunch of paragliders took off from where we were hanging out and it was just a great day. Tonight we are headed to the gani (SP?) for some cocktails and sweet sunset photots. I took a ton of photos with my nikon SLR yesterday on the mountain and am so excited to see how they came out. Took a bunch of digital photot's today but dont have my camera cord be announced. my face is developing a somewhat serious goggle tan, burning every which way.
Tomorrow, Janie and I are switching skis/snowboards. I am going to ski and she is going to snowboard. granted I skiied for a while growing up so it might be more of a strug for her. i'm sure being back on skiis will be a strug for me as well. but I want her to learn how to snowboard so I'm going to attempt to teach her how :)
Monday, March 22, 2010
it's a very exciting day, waking up knowing that insurance companies will no longer be able to rob Americans. A seriously corrupt system is being put in their place and without this necessary control over them, they would have continued to only look out for themselves and have no remorse for dropping the people who really need it from their health care plan. I think some people are overreacting with the whole loss of freedom bit, this is giving us more freedom. More freedom to chose what insurance will best fit our needs.
on another note, snowboarding yesterday was amazing. it was soo sunny and warm and beautiful but i was dead tired when I got home, leading me to go right to sleep. When I woke up jane and i just chilled. Jane made a wicked good dinner and we watched some television- chill night in. definitely needed after, not only my first night here being ridiculous, but especially after spending yesterday and the day before snowboarding. Today we are going to Targhee mountain- this will be the first time jane and i will be skiing together, woo. fun stufffff. Excited to experience a different mountain, although jackson hole is so amazing.
my past few posts have not been fashion related but being here in jackson i've only been wearing snowboarding gear so there is not much to show!
peace out compadres
on another note, snowboarding yesterday was amazing. it was soo sunny and warm and beautiful but i was dead tired when I got home, leading me to go right to sleep. When I woke up jane and i just chilled. Jane made a wicked good dinner and we watched some television- chill night in. definitely needed after, not only my first night here being ridiculous, but especially after spending yesterday and the day before snowboarding. Today we are going to Targhee mountain- this will be the first time jane and i will be skiing together, woo. fun stufffff. Excited to experience a different mountain, although jackson hole is so amazing.
my past few posts have not been fashion related but being here in jackson i've only been wearing snowboarding gear so there is not much to show!
peace out compadres
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sooooo i'm obsessed with jackson hole. holyyyyyy shitake. such an amazing mountain. wow. it was a beautiful day out. I skiied with janie's roommate bobby and it was a great time- he took me down some great trails. definitely took some getting used to and also tried to overcome my hangover buttttt it was still great. We took the tram to the top but a woman advised us that it was pretty bad terrain, icy and windy, so we grabbed a PBR and took the tram back down. however, it was amazing. At the end of the day we grabbed some beers and listened to this live band play some awesome music. I met some wicked cool people, i should say guys because there are barely any females around but yeah just some super cool people with some great life stories. Jackson is a place i would feel comfortable moving to by myself because it is SO easy to meet people! we took the shuttle back home and again i met some really cool people! this place is amazing
Friday, March 19, 2010
OBAMA/start of vaka
*first tourist shot of the week. fresh out of the airport. somewhat discouraged by the loss of my snowboard in my travels*


*Salt lake city airport*
Amazing speech today by Obama- well said, well put, well just amazing. It's hard to imagine that there are people out there against national healthcare, but there are so i suppose I should get with the program. Nobody's taking away your precious health care, you republicans out there- you get to keep it- but for those people that don't have health care or get dropped from their plans or have to pay premium prices this will save them. I don't see what there is to disagree with. It's a frustrating debate. Although many times I do not agree with the other side to my opinion, i can usually see why the other side has an issue. In this case, with healthcare reform, i do not understand the opposite side to the issue. National health care is perfect. It will help us start to pay back our deficit as well as provide care for so many people in need. come on people.
on a less serious note, im in Salt Lake City, utah right now leaving for jackson hole VERY soon and will be arriving at 5:50!!! so excited. Janie and I are going to a concert tonight and i will be snowboarding tomorrow-
Airlines lost my snowboard.....SWEEEEEEEEEEEET.
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finallyyyy, vacation is here and I could not be more excited. Exams, papers, reading and homework comes to a hault today and i wont be participating in any type of learning in the next week. :)
I left the house wearing this black hooded wrap/sweater over a purple short sleeve shirt but it didn't last long because it was BEAUTIFUL out today- well it still is! I love days like today- fresh from winter BAM nice day.
Anyway, I am going home to NH tonight to stay at my parents house and then leaving for the boston airport tomorrow wicked early in the morning and am arriving in jackson hole around 4 or 5ish...should probably check into that.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Outfit Unworthy

*This is my travel shark. His name is Finn*

Considering i wore jeans and my CSU t-shirt today, my outfit is unworthy of any style tips. it was really nice out but i just felt like being comfortable because i had a large bag of sewing stuff to carry around. Speaking of sewing I made my tube scarf today, it came out ok :) I am working on the dress, not completely finished but in due time!
I did not plan to coordinate my Green CSU shirt with it being St. Patricks day (st. patty's is my pet peeve holiday abbreviation) but unfortunately I did and I was slightly embarrassed all day thinking people were probably judging me because I was judging people wearing green too. The idea of coordinating colors on holidays is really not something I'm down with.
These pictures are a couple of photos I took with the 'ol nikon camerosa but same story goes as all of the other scanned images, it doesn't have a sepia overtone in real life, OH WELL, OK!? my goodness.
anywho (another pet peeve word) I took a bunch of pictures of people surfing today down by the water next to my place here in rhode island- they looked freezing in that water. winter surfing is definitely not my steez.
since i've been pointing out my little pet peeve words it's only fitting i end in, LOL. The worst of all. I HATE lol, and i do not hate many things. Not only does it not evoke laughter but its quite the opposite- a bland dull reaction. haha is only one letter longer and it much better represents laughter. thank you folks :)
oh yah, about my travel shark. that's my shark, that travels with me. self-explanitory. His name is Finn at the moment but honestly, his name changes, as does his gender. he has a rainbow belly that I painted on him because he was much to bland, needed some spicing up.
I <3 my family! :) They all influence me in individual ways, it always amazes me what I can learn from them.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Seaglass Earrings

*Oldschool sunglasses that Grace and I will say we found first until we die*

*This is in pencil in person and not all smeared- haha. unfinished*
hey hey- It is REALLY nice out todayy! I took a test today [it went great!] and ran a bunch of errands. I picked up the rest of the fabric to finish the dress that I am making as I realized I didn't have enough before.
I made some more earrings today, some out of SEAGLASS which came out really cool! I'll have to post some pictures of them soon! They are different shapes but I just think they make some pretty cool earrings!
I started this sketch last week also but have not finished it and it's in pencil although it shows up very sepia-esque, what can ya do.
ANWYAY- the week can't end soon enough, i still have quite a bit of work left to do. I am about to start on my paper now but its SO hard because it's so nice outtt!!!! :)
*Shirt-Forever 21. Scarf-Urban Outfitters. Pants-Forever 21. Shoes-DSW. Sunglasses-Buffalo Exchange*
Monday, March 15, 2010

I am SERIOUSLY hoping that the sun comes back out soon! This rain is so unpleasant! It's the week before spring break and I probably could not be any more stressed. Two papers, an exam, photos, a project outline, pant pattern due, dart manipulation drafts, bahhhh. I might go crazy. The light at the end of the tunnel is JACKSON HOLE in 4 days! :) I cannot wait, i want to start packing now! Actually I'm going to have to squeeze in time for packing considering how busy my week is! Anyway, really quick little post because I haven't updated in a few days! :(
*black hat-H&M. Blue plaid sweater-H&M.BlueShirt-Forever21*
Friday, March 12, 2010
Making a Dress :)

*This white knit fabric will be used for the top of the dress*

*This striped fabric will be used for the 'skirt' of the dress*

*This Flower print, cotton fabric will be used as a thick hem on the bottom of the dress as well as the wrapping for the piping that I am making*

*Rose scarf used as belt*

*LoVe Croquis!*

I went to the sewing lab for a good part of the day today. I printed out my trouser pant pattern for CAD class as well as worked on the dress that I am making. I converted my muslin draped version of the dress into a paper pattern and cut it out on my fashion fabrics shown pictured above. After that I went to the photo lab to develop the roll of film that I just finished shooting. I have no idea what happened but upon completion, i took the negatives out of the developing tank and it was completely blank. BAH! so frustratinggg- i have no idea why that happened. So now I have to shoot another roll for this assignment which is really annoying because I got some great pictures on that one (or so i thought) and got my ray-bands stolen in the duration- what a stupid roll of film that was, STUPID.
Anyway- Today I wore this red and white striped button down that I found at my house one day, it very well could belong to one of my brothers. On the bottom I am wearing a pair of baggy skinny jeans...if that makes sense that are wicked comfy and lose-from forever 21. I am wearing a little flower scarf as a belt that I got from a thrift store. These deer earrings are the latest addition to my collection of homemade earrings. Lastly, these sunglasses are from 80's purple- and they are being worn with a croquis which janie gave me as part of my christmas/birthday present. I love it- I have been on a hunt for a croquis that i actually like for so long- but this one is great! I just love being able to take my sunglasses off and have them hang around my neck rather then trying to figure out where to put them. Probabaly should have been wearing it on my raybans..... :(
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

*not quite finished*

*tried this in color over 5 times, can't figure out what to do- frustrated! will remain black and white for now*

I enlarged and printed a bunch of images today in the darkroom- i am happy with a few of them. One of them i REALLY love- unfortunately for some reason scanning the images that i develop just doesn't work so i can't show it! It was a picture taken in Durham and it was sort of an action shot of hockey players just goofing around on the ice, however- what i loved about it, were a couple of things- one, they were skating on the dam by the bridge in durham- the waterfall was running but the top was frozen over which gave the image such a cool effect. Another thing that I loved was that since I had the shutter speed so high I captured one main guy hitting the puck with his hockey stick in the air while two guys in the background are high-fiving. it was just the exact right timing- i love it. Another photo that came out good was one I took in Steph's apartment in brooklyn- it was of a window in an old apt. building room- very neat shadows and light in the picture.
Anyway- this weekend me and some of my highschool girlfriends were supposed to get together in boston but unfortunately it fell through which I am really bummed about because I really wanted to hang out with them! Everyone has become so busy upon graduating, getting jobs, being in school, traveling, etc. it can be hard to get everyone together but I love the rare chances we get to all be together. Perhaps in april when all of our schedules deflate a little bit. I have so lucky to have such amazing friends that all keep in contact!never take that for granted.
nine more days until JACKSON HOLE and could not be more excited! unfortch so much schoolwork building up to that point!@#@$#$
*grey shirt-Volcom (SUPER COMFY!) purple sweater- urban outfitters-mens section. elephant necklace- I honestly cannot remember. black pants & sunglasses-forevs!*
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Wish I had an EXTRA long scanner

*little girl*

*Mother, hehe*

*pencil faces*

*bottom half of first picture*

*orignal pencil drawing*
It's such a bummer that my scanner only fits a small- printer-sized paper image scan onto the computer. I included a little doggie in my latest drawing and the whole thing wouldn't fit- :( so i was forced to separate them. unfortunate. When I scan my pencil drawings onto the computer they are in great quality but I cannot figure out how to rotate them and make them stay that way without draggin them into Iphoto where I have to darken them- if anyone knows what I am even talking about and how to fix it- let me know :)
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