Not even a full day off of Nantucket and I am already beginning to miss it. It's moreso the people that graze the lands that I miss. I've met some terrific people this summer that I can confidently say will be in my life forever. I must say I had the perfect combination of friends this summer, the old, the new plus a sister and some visitors. My amazing friends that date back until, well forever, ashley and erin lived on nantucket for their second summer this year and we all got a place together and needless to say, shared a "few" laughs. I tend to laugh a lot but these girls make it impossible for me to keep it together some days, finding myself rolling all over our nantucket home with tears dredging down my face. We have one of those natural friendships, where filters don't exist in our minds and we spew out terribly inappropriate things because of it. Ashie and Erin are amazing girls and i am so proud to call them my friends- they are always and will always be there for me and that right there is a very comforting feeling. We had non stop fun together. THe dancing platform will forever be my favorite place to watch ashley spin out the dance moves and erins crumbalina nature late night will forever be ingrained in my mind. My sister Kimberly also lived with us as she was setting out to write her very first book. We shared a little pink box of a room but it was perfect and not only because i got a second wardrobe added to my closet but yet because of the beautiful person that she is inside and out- call me corny but my sister is the full package when it comes to a sibling. She's always there for me, easy to talk to and has a sense of humor that keeps me laughing for days. It was excellent having my big sis spend the summer with me- always a pleasure. We had good laughs watching salad fingers and discussing a very specific date that was just ALL wrong, oh good god.. Old pals, Luke and Mike Schuster were another source of fun- living in a massive house on the miacomet golf course they lived with 5 OTHER people mostly from Durham and more specifically from oyster river high school. MAtt, jess, jake, sally and max joined the shoe bros in their summer home and it was a blast of a place as all people incorporated are fun, outgoing and all around great people. Most recently we had an excellent day spent at micomet beach for jake's birthday. Sally threw him a surprise birthday bash, all incusive latter ball, cooler of beers, balloons and a happy birthday sign made of old beer boxes. And of course there are the newbies- aka the new peeps i met this summer. A terribly funny girl, always smiling and having a good time is our new friend brie- we logged some serious fun summer moments together. Ash and I met her at a party in the beginning of the summer and found her to be a staple friend of ours- as well as some of the people that she introduced us to from her summer friend world- awesome people, great times. Never a dull moment with brie, namely spending one of our last days together comatose on the couch watching jersey shore. We also became friends with some kids from across the sea, in from the UK. I guess they were remotely cool people.... just kidddding, they are excellent human beings. Stew, red, nat and ben all worked in the Jack Wills retail store where Ashley worked this summer so we got to log some good friend time with them. With the same appreciation for humor and always ready for what's next we shared many extremely memorable moments together. I enjoyed the cultural differences such as finding out stew has never had a teeth cleaning before nor did he really know what it even was (youre lucky you've managed to keep a nice set of teeth) or that there is an amazing candy world outside of our own including lion and aero bars, food shopping with red is a serious experience. Lastly, the visitors- we had some serious visitors this summer. weekends were packed with people coming to experience the island of nantucket. the katies and veronica made it down for a fun filled weekend as well as steph and ariane came to celebrate stephs turning of age. el, ricky, james, pete and bird sailed on down for a weekend and spent days basking on the beaches and raging it at night. my dearest bestest friend grace braved the tiny plane and flew to the island for a vaka filled with rofling, good conversations and reflecting back on the colorado days (and people...) reds friend asha visited from the UK and i grew quite fond of her as we still keep in contact-she has excellent and similar taste in music and a super creative mind. conversations fail to be dull. My parents came down and we spent days lying by the summer house pool and nights out getting dinner and drinks. Amazingly wonderful and beautiful parents. Thanks to everyone who took the time, MONEY and energy to spend time with us down on nantucket.
So as you might be able to tell, this summer rocked and it rocked it hard. We all worked a ridiculous amount but still managed to squeeze in liberating, whimsical moments.
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