into it


*my dirty, hippie, festival feet that stained many white hotel amenities (towels, soaps, baths, floors)

*me and briezzzzze*

*bunch of girlies*


sister love <3
Life is Good festival was amazing. Saturday was a great lineup-ziggy marley and grace potter stole the show however. I was lucky enough to enjoy a small, private, acoustic grace potter concert before she played on stage and i feel even more deeply in love with her than i already was, if thats even humanely possible! Sunday, brett dennen stole my heart for it never will return. I've always been a big brett fan and i've youtubed the hell out of him for the very plain simple fact of watching his sexual little dance steps- seeing him in person was a whole new realm of love. Brett dennen, with his extremely goofy long, red hair- dorky thick framed glasses and tight velour zip up completely won me over with his humorous moves and voice. point is, i spent a great weekend with great friends- kimberly, brie, leah, kelsey and katy! :) pictures above are some glimpses at our wonderful, music filled festival weekend.
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