Thanks to ricky for being such a trooper to lay, sit and run across a filthy old, desheveled couch on the side of the street in newmarket.
I had my first photo critique today for B/W photography II. it did not go too well. I enjoy criticism with my work but sometimes it is tough to take when you spend so much time creating something that you believe in and stand behind. It was just one image in particular out of the four that got the wrath. It was a sequence photo- contrasting the tree and the fence and the differences that each portray. here they are. take a look.

I tried to be creative, think outside of the box and create not only a photograph with a message of sorts but also an imagine that was technically sound. The technically sound part was the issue with the image. cant win over everyone of course but when it comes from your teacher, of course you trust it more.
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