I am realizing more and more how amazing blogs really are. although perhaps every intimate thought that streams through my brain won't make the blog post cut, it is still a place i feel welcomed and comfortable to share my thoughts/feelings/passions/plans/loves/fears/etc. It's a place that although I have much to do on a daily basis I desire to write a blog post, if not for anyone but myself. It feels good to get it all down like a journal entry- god knows I have started 9 different journals in the past year, none to last more than 10 pages. I love being able to refer back to my old journals and read what was going through my secretive mind at the time, but its super personal and the thought of someone other than me reading it is a trip. Above and beyond my own blog, i love following others for many reasons, the main one being able to keep track of your friends lives when maybe you cant talk all of the time. also because of some of the beautiful insight you come across. I do enjoy reading blogs of the people that I know and love but of course random peoples blogs can be interesting as well. I love how blogs aren't intimidating either- journals can be with their fancy hard back covers and pretty pages- they certainly can be a bit of a fright thinking everything has to be perfect and put together and make sense. my blog has and probably never will be cohesive- starting as a fashion blog (what??) turning into a photography blog- all of the while with my thoughts that prove moreso my day to day life than anything. I want my blog to encapsulate me- i don't want to just discuss photography, i want to get it all out there for anyone and everyone to see, even if that means i am the only one that reads this. i have no idea who reads my blog so i feel no pressure to make my posts anything special.
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