SO I've come to somewhat of an understanding of what i like in the composition of a photograph and that is texture. I've noticed that my style has a large emphasis on different textures and how they can play into one another. I think it can be difficult entering into a creative field where there are so many options and so many roads you can take. photography, i mean, geez you can be a wedding photographer, a landscape photographer, only take pictures of birds, only take pictures of water, black and white, architecture- there are SO many facets of photography that it is hard not to get overwhelmed and lost in it all, somewhere in the middle without any style at all. so basically i am trying to create my own personal style and try to have a main theme in my photos. i'm still working out the kinks, naturally, as i only decided that i wanted to give up apparel design and pursue photography umm (looks at watch) 10 hours ago- no, last year but still....in the grand scheme of life, equals about 10 hours ago. I'm so ecstatic about photography. i love looking at it, i love taking my own, i love editing photos, i love sharing photos, i love getting advice, i enjoy trying new things, i like setting up scenes, i like end products, i love unexpected shots, i overall cannot get enough of photography. I have yet to find a downside to my newfound passion. but maybe i never will, and maybe that's how i know i have truly found what i am meant to do. depak chopra would be proud of me, finding my purpose and all. of course i think as humans we have many purposes but i remember reading chopras book at the time that i still thought i wanted to be a designer and it didn't make sense to me. I thought- i'm, fulfilling my life's purpose becoming a designer? it didn't seem fitting, it didn't seem right- how was i going to make any impact on anyone or anything feeling as lost as I did in that field. But now as I reflect back I realize how much sense it makes and I appreciate his revelation. I am going to reread that book in the next few days, HOWEVER, i just got the book Born to Run and i am going to spend a few nights invested in that. off to read, toodles.
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