coffee stained for a more vintage appearance

selective developing

paraglider in jackson- printed an 11X14

Selective developing

Medium format negative printed big- then burned the live free or die NH license plate for over two minutes on top
I suppose I should explain this photo a little bit- its a self portrait for my photography final. Being born (and mostly raised) in NH I have a love for the state for sure- although ive moved a lot, NH has a special place in my heart. NH is the granite state, hence the rock. We have a lot of granite on our property and i used to spend a lot of time on this rock growing up. Then i burned a NH license plate into the sky to sort of tie it all together. Who knows, maybe its a little too symbolic, but what can ya do.
The semester is ALMOST over. I had three tests last week and have three projects this week. I wish I could say this week was going to be easy but unfortunately all of my projects are SO time consuming and since i am the biggest procrastinator ever (trying to change that) I have A LOT to do for all of my projects. I finished printing for my photo final but i have to matte my final prints. Well, im not EXACTLY finished. I am currently soaking one of my prints in black coffee to give it an old, vintage look with hopes that it comes out the way that I want. I hate when I envision something one way and it just doesn't happen. Anyway, I have to write a 10 page paper tonight so I need to get on that. :)
This is a weird sidenote and has nothing to do with this post, BUTTTTT- I just have so much admiration for young girls that get pregnant and are able to have the child and provide a good life for that child. There are so many people in this world that don't think about their actions because they know there is always a way out (not that im saying that's everyone, or even judging anyone that makes a different decision- there are so many different circumstances) but I think it is so amazing that women can realize that they've made a decision and they are going to do what is best even if that means going through ridicule. It's so sad to think that people judge and make fun of girls that decide to stay pregnant at a young age and have the child, but its truly and amazingly heroic.
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