So i've been on Nantucket for 4 days now and it is just excellent. I havn't been doing much other than working and hanging out with some friends. I started my job the day after I got here. I LOVE love love love work- i am working for a gardening company and I am really enjoying it. I love being outside, the people that i work with, i enjoy the hardwork and i just love working a full day- it feels good. I am really excited about doing this all summer :) ANYWAY, i am mad at myself because i have yet to take a single photo yet since being here, but i literally have had NO time! This weekend I hope to get some shots in, although I am volunteering at the wine festival on saturday- so maybe sunday! This island is actually quite large and I want to expore it, discover new places and take some GREAT photos! I have to find a darkroom somewhere on this island however. Can't wait for my sister to get here :)
I didn't get the 4.0 gpa that i was hoping for this semester. It's stupid that an A- is not the same as an A and....stupid B+ that I was NOT expecting to get. DAMN. :( I still have next semester!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Semester ALMOST over

coffee stained for a more vintage appearance

selective developing

paraglider in jackson- printed an 11X14

Selective developing

Medium format negative printed big- then burned the live free or die NH license plate for over two minutes on top
I suppose I should explain this photo a little bit- its a self portrait for my photography final. Being born (and mostly raised) in NH I have a love for the state for sure- although ive moved a lot, NH has a special place in my heart. NH is the granite state, hence the rock. We have a lot of granite on our property and i used to spend a lot of time on this rock growing up. Then i burned a NH license plate into the sky to sort of tie it all together. Who knows, maybe its a little too symbolic, but what can ya do.
The semester is ALMOST over. I had three tests last week and have three projects this week. I wish I could say this week was going to be easy but unfortunately all of my projects are SO time consuming and since i am the biggest procrastinator ever (trying to change that) I have A LOT to do for all of my projects. I finished printing for my photo final but i have to matte my final prints. Well, im not EXACTLY finished. I am currently soaking one of my prints in black coffee to give it an old, vintage look with hopes that it comes out the way that I want. I hate when I envision something one way and it just doesn't happen. Anyway, I have to write a 10 page paper tonight so I need to get on that. :)
This is a weird sidenote and has nothing to do with this post, BUTTTTT- I just have so much admiration for young girls that get pregnant and are able to have the child and provide a good life for that child. There are so many people in this world that don't think about their actions because they know there is always a way out (not that im saying that's everyone, or even judging anyone that makes a different decision- there are so many different circumstances) but I think it is so amazing that women can realize that they've made a decision and they are going to do what is best even if that means going through ridicule. It's so sad to think that people judge and make fun of girls that decide to stay pregnant at a young age and have the child, but its truly and amazingly heroic.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Selective Developing
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Doggies and such

what a creep

see, theres the weird dark line going down the right side of the photo- go away.

I quickly had some time in the darkroom today (less than an hour) but i made a few prints. unfortunately my whole roll of film that i took at strawberry bank last weekend has this weird dark line going through them- as you can see above. I was messing around trying to figure out how to do double exposures on my camera so thats whats up with the weirdo one. Soo, YAH.
my brother is getting a doggy, im so envious- i cant wait for him to get the little i can steal her and call her my own. :)

isn't it funny that when Colin Powell was addressing the nation to make his case about bombing iraq, the UN covered Picaso's 'Guernica' painting..very interestingggg, not to mention- Ironic.
I, by the way, LOVE Picaso's 'Guernica. The message is so powerful and it truly evokes strong emotions when you look at it. Such an amazing piece of art. Under no circumstances should Guernica ever be covered, if it has to be covered so that you wont look bad on television, ahem colin powell, then it's a sure sign that what you're planning on doing is probably wrong.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

*double exposure*

*Lamb and Ricky*


*Narragansett beach*

Some photos that I printed today. Most of these were taken with the Bronica- such a crisp image. perhaps it is difficult to tell with these scanned on computer images but they are pretty cool in person! Ricky is a pretty awesome model- i like ALL of the pictures that I took of him. I went to the darkroom at about 3ish...developed two rolls of film and printed until about 9. I could have stayed until 11 (when they close) but i ran out of paper :( ehhh I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
Better DAY!
Today i have rid myself of the sad emotions and am feeling MUCH better. just a day, i suppose everyone has A day, right? Anyway, today is a good day. Headed off to school to print some pictures :)
OH, and i cant wait to be on nantucket :) :)
OH, and i cant wait to be on nantucket :) :)
Monday, May 3, 2010

I have always known and will always know how much my family loves me but it is days like today when its more clear then ever. I was having one of those days- one of those bad, terrible, off, weird days when you cannot pinpoint anything that is neccesarily wrong but you just feel like crying all day. I cried most of the day- i had to walk out of my classes a few times because i would instantly start crying. Anyway, my mom called me and we talked for a while and she definitely helped me snap out of it a little bit for the time being. Then as the day went on and the crying came back i got a call from my brother and we talked for a while and he helped me a lot too. He understands those days and talked me through some of it. Then my dad called me to try to give me some clarity, but its hard to get clarity when you can't justify being sad in the first place. He made some valid points and tried to help me understand whats going on, but again, its tough to do when you dont even know whats wrong. THEN my sister called me and comforted me and talked to me some more. So as i reflect back on the day and realize that pretty much my entire family called me to make sure that I was ok and tried to give me comforting words, it really makes me happy. they are all so amazing. my family is always so supportive and i couldnt never thank them enough for that. i could tell them anything and i know they would listen and help and just always be there for me, its a good feeling :)
I'm stressed and overwhelmed about the end of the semester. I just want it to be over with. I want to be on nantucket.
oh, suddenly my fashion blog has taken a turn for photography. hm..... subliminal message? perhaps.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I love
i want to learn how to rock climb. I, at times, can be very afraid of heights- and what better way to get over that fear then to rock climb? mmm....Perhaps I shall try.
Saturday, May 1, 2010

I just got back from Catherines house. we watched 'hes just no that into you' and drank a little wine. it was a fun, relaxing, night in. it's so weird what a small world it is- i met catherine through bri who i worked with @ the ropewalk in nantucket- weird, huh? ANYWAY, catherine is hilarious, she has an awesome sense of humor that i can easily relate to.
SOO_ monday is my last day of spring semester 2010, then finals! :) Most of my finals should be pretty easy, not a lot of pressure because, surprisingly i have all A's in my classes sans one- macroeconomics. however, if i do well enough on my final I will get an A in that. I am shooting for a 4.0 this semester and REALLY hoping to achieve this. we shall see! i'll probably dedicate most of my time to my photo class because i enjoy that the most. this photo posted is a scanned version of a photo i printed today- still working on it and trying to get it right- i have to incorporate 2 techniques i've learned into this photo so i still need one other, still deciding what to add- any ideas? anyway- i could spend all day, everyday working on my photo final, i love it. i am kind of dreading studying for my other finals, ha.
so its confirmed that we have the house that we wanted for this summer. the lease starts May 15th- so i am still trying to figure out when to book my car reservation and get down to the island. I am unsure if i can start work earlier then discussed but i am going to find out because i would love to start early!
I found my old school wild life fact file book today (and my toothbrush bracelet, important to note) down in my basement and am SIKED. this fact file is amazing- all these little brochures about different animals, its AWESOME.
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