The first entry in any sort of journal type format is always very nerveracking to me. It's a lot of pressure--knowing what to start with. Unfortunately many of my past journals never seem to fill up and that upsets me because I love looking back and reading things that I have written at younger ages- not only is it downright hilarious but I think it is an important record of my life. I have a bad memory so having a journal to remember my experiences is life or death right now- well maybe not that serious but I want to remember what I was doing in 2010 [etc.] when I'm 50 years old. I am on my computer quite a bit, as much as I hate to admitt it, so I figure that I should be able to keep this going and updated (I find that taking the time to sit down and write out my thoughts in a journal needs its own date in my schedule) So here it is- my first blog/journal entry that has yet to contain the evidence that I existed in this world. This will a compilation of thoughts, experiences, pictures, future plans, etc. I am 22 years old [oh.my.god. 23 in FOUR days-how frightening] and I am currently attending the University of Rhode Island while living in Narragansett, RI. My life up to this point has had its ups and downs but definitely more ups then downs and my downs haven't been anything too detrimental.I've moved a fair amount- sixteen totales times in seven different states. Colorado holds an extremely special place in my heart, having spent two years of college there and forming many amazing friendships but best of all meeting my friend Grace. It was very difficult adjusting to the fact that I did not have this person that I shared every moment with, around anymore. It was discouraging leaving, thinking I would never find a friendship like that ever again. moving away and growing apart from someone is not an easy, nor enjoyable, task but unfortunately it is a part of life.It has been a HUGE part of my life actually- every time that I've moved I have left people that I love, so I suppose I should be pretty used to it at this point. Luckily it has not scarred me in the way of not getting in the way of becoming close with people because I have so many amazing friends all over the country now!
This entry is a bit scatter minded and broad. my stomach seems to be in knots right now and I cannot form complete thoughts. OK_ done with this blog post for now, I need more direction and focus in my entries.
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