*Roaming about on Longmarsh in Durham, NH*

*Long V-neck black sweater:express. Purple dress:Lux. Leggings:american eagle. Boots:Urban Outfitters.glasses:vogue*
It was really rainy and gross out today and i woke up late- well not late but later than usual so i was running around all over the place in order to make it in time for class today. I am trying to have perfect attendance this semester, we'll see if this works out. Anyway, I sort of threw this outfit on in order to run out the door but it ended up working out pretty well. I also didn't have time to put my contacts in so I am wearing my glasses which I rarely ever wear. The neckline of the black sweater is pretty low so I tucked my white and pink scarf inside, acting sort of shirt-like.
I talked to my brother Jamie on the phone for a while tonight and i began realizing more and more how similar are thoughts are (although I suppose I've known for a while now, but its always reinforced). We definitely agree on a lot of things and share similar beliefs.It's nice having someone so easy to talk to and so easy to be around. We get along so well and I really value our relationship. Speaking of him, he had a great encounter with a buffalo yesterday. We live right next a buffalo farm in NH (can't sound more country than that) and one of the buffalo got lose from the fenced in area. My brother was driving home and stopped on the side of the road as other people were stopped trying to get the buffalo back to the other side of the fence. Jamie mentioned how although we might all think we know how big buffalo are, seeing one 20 feet away from you is a whole different story as the buffalos chest was at eye level to jamie's SUV window, not to mention how big it's head is! So the buffalo was charging around, bucking here and there, seemed confused, circling around, doing what all great buffalo do. At one point the buffalo got about 10 feet away from jamie's rolled down front window at which point jamie was able to snap this photo above with his iphone although he says it doesn't do its size or presence any justice and wishes he could have snapped an awesome high def photo with his good camera! or perhaps a picture of him jumping onto the buffalo with a great big smile before getting bucked off. :) The, what seemed like, trained buffalo farmer that had been dodging the buffalo every time it charged him by hiding behind trees, etc. finally was able to get the buffalo back with his other buffalo friends that were urging for him to come back and everyone lived happily ever after. Jamie said it's just like the movie the truman show, that buffalo knew there was more out there beyond his fenced in confinements. hahah- hilarious.
First of all, i hate buffaloes... Im sure you understand. Second of all, i like that scarf layers thing you got going.
ReplyDeletehaha yes they are daunting!! andddd... Thanks :)