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My first weekend at school and it was spent.....
IN BED. I was very ill all weekend with the flu. I spent hours upon hours sleeping, waking up, rolling over, sleeping again, watching sex and the city seasons [1,2,3,6], watched valentines day, slept, woke up, drank a gallon of orange juice through a straw, slept, watched when in rome, rolled over, put a sweatshirt on, took my temperature, took my sweatshirt off, drank gingerale through a straw, watched the fell asleep notebook. so it was quite a fascinating weekend if i do say so. Today, feeling achey from all of the laying around, i ran some errands and went and printed some photos in the darkroom. I was getting a case of cabin fever so it felt good to get out of the house. It did feel nice to forget about school all weekend and relax.
These photos are very reminiscent of my first weekend of senior year spent at URI- fun stuff.
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