So i'll just come out and say it, i fell off the blogging band wagon as soon as my summer began and now that is nearing its end, i have a fighting vengeance to start back up again! My summer was impossibly busy, little to no moments spent alone, which is not necessarily a bad thing, however, my blog truly suffered. Blogging shouldn't be something that I do just when it is convenient, what does that say about me? I feel terrifically terrible how neglectful i have been with my poor little bloggy blog- but don't worry i am back, and i am back for good.
This blog began as a fashion blog (somewhat embarrassing looking back, but what can ya do) and now that i've had a euphoric moment that made me come to the realization that fashion is far from the thing that i am most passionate about, this blog has turned into something that i am truly, utterly and fantastically passionate about- photography. I wont say that i was being naive when i chose apparel design as something that i want to pursue but yet i was young and very unexperienced. I had an idea that i would be designing my own rad outerwear ski and snowboard apparel the way that I wanted to but the closer and closer graduation comes, the more and more i realize how that is really not the case. Even if it was, i don't know if i would truly enjoy doing that every day of my life- i thought it was, i truly believed it was but when I found photography it made me realize that there was something that you could ACTUALLY really love doing and want to do every free, spare moment that you get. Taking pictures doesn't get any better for me, i love it, i thrive to get better at it and i just want to be surrounded by it at all times.
Point is, I'm back, i might need to change the title of my blog however- it doesnt make much sense anymore-- :)
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