Hello all- I made it home to NH safe and sound. 95 was completely shut down in rhode island but my trusty GPS got me home another way. Crazzzy highway shutdown. I was SUPER excited to wear a short sleeve shirt and flip flops yesterday because it was beautiful out! its really nice out again today and is supposed to be 80 degrees tomorrow!!! I got these sunglasses at Accentuate, a boutique that Janie works at in Jackson. And I made this scarf that I am wearing. woohoo.
Um so yeah, yesterday i met my sister for a beer and chicken fingers at river house in portsmouth. we sat outside and it was LOVELY. my sister is the BEST. i love her to death, she is amazing. i love her upbeat, positive, humorous outlook on life.
i went out last night with ashie and steph and we had a really fun time. we went to uh libbys and ballards!
anywho, i was pretty productive today, helped clean the house for easter. now im dead tired and wicked hot. time to rest.
i still can't believe you dusted your whole house after last night. weirdo.